Monday, September 12, 2011

Fingerprint-less Stainless Steel!

I will be doing a series on home goods and kitchen finds.. And all their awesome uses.

Today it's olive oil and its magical powers as a Stainless Steel cleaner!

In the past few years many people have upgraded their kitchens to be more commercial looking. So why not use a trick those professional chefs use on their stainless steel counters? But doesn't it seem like the moment you get the darn thing finger-print-free with EXPENSIVE cleaners, it is dirty almost immediately? My method here will change that! And even if you do get a hand print, all you need to do its come back with a cloth or napkin and wipe wipe, and problems gone! No cleaner, no toxic sprays, no messy fridge or dishwasher,etc.

First I like to dry wipe any dust off of the appliance of there it's any. The great news is you will not be doing this again for along time!

Use a soft cloth or a soft paper towel and turn the bottle of Olive oil down onto the cloth and allow about the size of a quarter's worth of oil onto it.
Now simply wipe the oil on. With those other cleaners you must go in circles (wax on, wax off..haha)... but I have found that as long as your Final Swipes are in the same direction as the grain of the appliance, it looks fabulous.
Continue to add oil and wipe as you need, but a little goes a long way!

Don't worry, as long as you haven't used the entire bottle of oil, it is NOT GREASY!

The best part to me is that it actually
repels dust and fingerprints and lasts up to two weeks, even with
my four year old running around!

Like I said though, if you get a print on it..just get out a papertowel a wipe it away!

Note: for tough spots dripped on the fridge or side of the oven (food splashed and dried, etc.) You can grab your kitchen scrubby or use a nail brush to scub those off first. Then polish with the olive oil. Dont use anything too abrasive on the stainless. You don't want to scratch it!

Please enjoy this time and money saver! It has changed my life and I certainly love eliminating hazardous chemicals from under my sink and in my breathing space!

Ps. I have tried other oils but did not like the results. For the most part we should only be cooking with olive oil anyhow... So stock up!
- The Domestic Diva

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